西・西南ヨーロッパ Cultural 文化遺産 ー (i)(ii)(iv) N50 49 41.016 E4 21 44.028
2000 Ref: 1005
Hôtel van Eetvelde_ヴァン・エドヴェルド邸
Photo : Koichi Matsuda©
ブリュッセルのこの日。雨のち晴れのち雨、という天気。太陽が隠れるとかなり肌寒い。ホテルから約5kmほど離れた場所。カッパを着てテクテク歩く。Google map があればどこでも歩いていける。何気ない場所にあるモダンでオシャレな建物。Hôtel van Eetvelde。スケッチブックにポツポツと雨が滴ります。
The four major town houses - Hôtel Tassel, Hôtel Solvay, Hôtel van Eetvelde, and Maison & Atelier Horta - located in Brussels and designed by the architect Victor Horta, one of the earliest initiators of Art Nouveau, are some of the most remarkable pioneering works of architecture of the end of the 19th century. The stylistic revolution represented by these works is characterised by their open plan, the diffusion of light, and the brilliant joining of the curved lines of decoration with the structure of the building.